Imagine that Mary Maloney has been apprehended and put on trial for what she has done to her husband. You are going to assume the role of defense attorney for the accused murderer.
Pay close attention to details in the story because your job is to prove that Mary is not guilty by reason of insanity.
You will write the closing argument for Mary Maloney's defense. You will need to gather at least three quotes from the story that prove your client was of a diminished mental capacity at the time of the crime and is no longer in that state, in order to avoid prison time.
The closing argument easily lends itself to the standard five paragraph persuasive essay. You should begin your piece with an introduction to your plea of temporary insanity followed by a paragraph for each of their three quotes, along with an explanation of how each relates to Mrs. Maloney’s plea for temporary insanity. The concluding paragraph can summarize points and convince the judge/jury that their client should not go to prison for this crime.
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