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Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Picture Prompts

Write a poem or story to go with one or both of these pictures.

They push me down into the water, I want to scream help, I can't swim. I realize that I'm no longer in water, I'm over a city if the stars, I'm- falling, (rp anyone? No powers but magic and portals-no you can't make portals)
Writing prompt. Write a story/sentence/poem about this picture.

The Book Thief Re-purposed Pages

The Book Thief is largely a book about the power of words: how words can harm, heal, destroy, or build up. How words can be manipulated, ignored, reclaimed for a different purpose, grasped, and cherished. Max, for example, makes something beautiful out of Mein Kampf.
Writers use a variety of techniques to bring their written words alive for the reader. Zusak particularly uses a lot of similes, metaphors, and personification to hit his readers with vivid images.

Your job is to take a quote from the novel and interpret it creatively from your mind’s eye onto paper. You don’t have to be artistic at all. You can do this in a variety of ways. For example:
• paint over the page like Max did, write the quote, and use some kind of visual illustration. This can be your own drawing or something you cut out from a different source and attach to the page.
• black out words on the page except ones that have to do with your quote. Put the quote on the page in some way.
• Use your page as a frame for the quote, or cut your page out into an image.

#1 Rule: don’t be silly. I really want to see what kind of connections you can make with a quote, a page of words, and your knowledge of the book. Below are several quotes, but you absolutely can use other quotes or phrases from the book.
