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Friday, 26 April 2013

Library Review Survey

Here is the link to the Library Review Survey. Please do not complete it until you have been given the green light from Mrs. Taylor.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

OP-Art Cube

Here are a few examples of the optical designs we have been looking at in class. I will add to this photo collection daily.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Student of the Month- March

This month I am pleased to present the student of the month award to a very unique individual that brings a tremendous amount of honesty and respect to Dougall each day. He leads by example and always carves out his own path to success. While working in groups he is versatile and can adapt to any role that is required of him. CONGRATULATIONS SHAUN FLETCHER!

Our next recipient is a tremendous listener and respects what her classmates value and have to say. She is an excellent group member, always supportive and does her share of the required work. In addition she is quick to drop what she is doing in class to help a classmate that is struggling or myself. CONGRATULATIONS SARAH WU!

Thursday, 4 April 2013


On Tuesday, April 2nd, Grade 8 students in the Seal classroom presented PSAs with various different morals, teachings etc. If you would like to watch some of them, they are posted below:

(Smiling PSA)

(Placeholder; Check back later for the rest of the PSAs!)